13th June 2008
This inn is believed to date from the late 16th century to early 17th century.
Its earlier name was either The Stirrup Cup or The Stirrup House.
The original building is of timber frame and had two storeys and three bays. The front of the building is original, including the mounting block.
This area had a small Saxon settlement because it is believed the church, St Mary's, next door, is possibly built on the site of a saxon church.

It is claimed that part of the battle was planned inside the pub.
--- landlord and landlady have seen dark shadows following them.
--- upstairs bathroom door closes on its own.
--- footsteps heard.
--- male figure seen upstairs.
--- a lady is said to walk downstairs in the pub.
--- old landlord named Tom is said to walk throughout the building.
--- a man is said to have died in the bar and it is said he is one of the shadowy figures.
Kath, Jackie, Steve and myself started the investigation just after 11pm. Kath had ben upstairs, while the pub was emptying and using her downsing rods, she recorded some engergy lines.

As we were asking out, Jackie, Jim and Kath saw a red light go across Jackie. A short time sfter, Jim, Jackie and myself heard what sounded like someone sitting on the leather sette by Jackie.

Everything went quite, so about 2am, we moved into the small dining room. Again we sat around a table with a glass, asking out.

Nothing happened to any of us, so we started to pack up. We chatted for a while downstairs about the night and left about 4.30am.
What a great night.
Had Kath seen a man watching us?
What had been circling us in two rooms?

Kath caught some EVP's, which we are checking.
One thing the whole group agree on is that there is something going on at The Star.

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